The founder of Resaco, Olli Junes, has extensive experience in B2C and B2B business, specialising in sales and marketing leadership within growth companies such as Alexandria, Talliosake, Talli (Sweden), Marketing Agency WDS, and Doorway.
In his career, he has spent three years cold calling, conducted over 6,000 customer meetings, and made more than 2,000 sales in Finland and Sweden.
While purchasing marketing services for different companies, he noticed that there was no provider in the market who truly understood the business of growth companies. Marketing often consisted of isolated campaigns without a cohesive strategy, and no one was steering the process.
Over the years, alongside his main job, he carried out successful consulting projects, where he introduced modern digital marketing models to support active sales, achieving excellent results. The idea of a company that would offer concrete and effective tools for growth had been simmering in the background for years.
Resaco comes from the words Remote Sales Company.
The founder of Resaco, Olli Junes, has extensive experience in sales and marketing management within growth companies. In Resaco's business plan in January 2022, the idea was to offer sales coaching to companies seeking growth through digital marketing.
The company was never intended to become a digital marketing agency. The digital marketing sector is low-margin, full of big egos, and even outright lying to clients.
After a few months of searching for digital marketing partners, it became clear that there was no player in the market that understood C-level thinking and actual growth.
A service had to be developed in-house.
Henni Nurminen joins Resaco as the second founder.
Henni has experience consulting thousands of companies on Google's paid advertising. She realized that there was a need in the digital marketing market for a player who, instead of project sales and campaigning, could look at the long term and be a strategic partner for the client.
Resaco's digital marketing team began to be assembled, and the service developed based on the following themes:
How do we build reporting that can demonstrably increase sales?
How can the service bring unfair competitive advantage and value to our clients' business?
2023 vuosi oli Resacolle perustan vahvistamisen vuosi. Emme satsanneet myynnin kasvuun. Tästä huolimatta teimme 60% kasvun liikevaihdossa (262te -> 419te).
Pidämme tätä hyvänä, koska uusmyyntiä ei Resacolla ollut. Kaikki asiakkaat tulivat suosittelun kautta.
Vuonna 2023, 9%:n liikevoitto on digimarkkinoinnin toimialan keskiarvo, johon olemme tyytyväisiä.
It's important to remember that we did this while doubling our staff, maintaining profitability, and investing in growth and development without external funding or active sales.
After two years of building foundations, processes, and bases - 2024 is a year of growth. Sales were started in January 2024.
This year, Resaco will grow with several new professionals in content production, paid advertising, account managers, and production managers. We do not intend to grow at the expense of production and customer experience, but sales and recruitment will be adjusted according to production capacity.
In 2024, we are laying the groundwork for Resaco's internationalization.
Resaco's vision is to be the world's best remote work environment. We are already working across three different time zones and seven different locations.
The mission is to be the market leader in sales-oriented digital marketing.
Digimarkkinoinnin kehitys ja muutosvauhti nopeutuu. Viimein vanha aikansa nähnyt tuhoutuu ja syntyy uutta. Se on markkinataloutta.
Teemme Resacolla työmme jo kansainvälisellä tasolla. Se ei riitä, sillä aiomme tulla siinä mitä teemme - maailman parhaimmiksi.
Hop on board, because this train is heading in the right direction.
We won't propose collaboration unless we're completely confident of success. That's why it's worth reaching out and giving it a try.